
Shadowdancer- 1

Deviation Actions

ZaraeZyne's avatar

Literature Text

Her hand reached for the ornate carved door. The presence about her, powerful, beautiful, deadly. A matron mother and ruler of the second house. And among all the females of the city, she is one of the most beautiful. Silvery tresses were pulled up into an elaborate hairstyle and arranged atop her head like a diadem. A single dyed red streak ran thru on her left side fell across her almond shaped eyes while a simple black high priestess ceremonial robe trimmed in red and purple fell around her lithe form. In her decorated hand five snakes of her dreadful scourge writhed and squirmed eager for the taste of flesh. Thick lips curled into smile that quickly faded as she waddled into the now open doors of the house chapel. Matron Shyntyl Kilanatlar was in the first year of her fifth pregnancy. Though only half way thru the gestation period, she was large enough to be thought nearing the end of the second year. Unknown to all but two, the lovely matron carried twins.
The room dark suddenly became illuminated with the magical faerie fire of reds and blues. A carved obsidian and black sapphire statue of a spider hung from the center of the dome shaped ceiling. Veins of mithril ran thru the entire compound resembling spiderwebs woven in the natural stone. The path between the two section of seats was wide enough to accommodate the larger than normal female with ample room and yet still fit the entire compound of 800 people. Tonight it was a family affair only. Carefully stepping up onto the platform she turned to wait for the gathered to arrive. Sweat had gathered on her ebon face which became stoic in thought. One year since the day.
She remembered clearly-
Sitting in the crossed legged position of intense communion and study, a sudden bolt of fiery pain brought her from her contemplations. She looked down at the source of her pain; her flat muscular abdomen held a violet spider tattoo branding. Matron Shyntyl was supposed barren after her last child, or two, had been a stillborn, supposedly the twins consumned and fought to the death. The last two children, Myrurra and Neeryrd had been taken from House Vendee. She would now be carrying twins; Lloth had visited her, helped her conceive and chosen these unborn children. House Kilanatlar had been chosen to bring about a new order of chaos to Lith My'athar. The City of Dark Waters had grown prosperous and beyond wealthy with a relatively unspoken peace- stagnant. Open House warfare had all but stopped. The city had become the closest to ever resembling a normal city. The Spider Queen had grown bored with her city. And it was time to begin sowing these 'new' seeds.
There was one major condition; the female would be completely Lloth's. Matron Shyntyl had agreed; what high priestess wouldn't? Lloth's cold spiderlike hand transformed to a beautiful black hand and touched her belly. The sheer pain nearly knocked Shyntyl out sending her into shock. A soft melodic voice whispered through her body:
"With the blessings of the Spider you will serve.
I bless you with these gifts I leave.
Light that blinds the eyes will no more.
My message shall you carry therefore.
Aware you shall be of all near.
For I hold you in claws so dear.
But should you turn,
forever their will be a yearn.
a path of death and blood never cease.
never to find rest or peace"
Today the words had been whispered to her again. As the voice stilled, the image of Lloth pulling her hand back sent a shock of pain coursing through Shyntyl sitting in the gigantic heated tub of her suite. Then all was quiet. Whispers among the house had grown since it had been obvious the matron was with child. But none had been privy to the secret. Today she was to tell the Kilanatlar family.
She slowly stood up from the tub, water dripping off her unclad form. G'eldriina, Shyntyl's personal servant, guard and whatever the matron's whim was, hurried over with the robe.
"Fetch the rest of my House, and quickly before I find a new play toy."
Without hesitation G'eldriina had did as her mistress commanded.
Shyntyl, dressed, had hurried to the chapel. Where she was currently.
Wiping her face, not to appear undignified, the matron paced as she waited for her children and patrons to join her in the chapel. The snakes feeling their mistress own emotion responded themselves with excitement.
Rhylaun, an off and on house patron, weapon-master and favorite of Shyntyl watched with disapproval as secondboy Neeryrd practice the difficult parry, and fail. Dressed in black spidersilk and elven chain, Rhyluan was imposing with a badboy dark side and exoticness unknown among the population. Taller than most, even the normally taller females and slender with sharp elven features made the five century male handsome and desirable for any matron. Eyes of reddish orange and streaks of coppery red mingling with natural white hair he was the envy of all. Despite his looks, he was rather opinionated and at times downright blasphemous. However, it was his skills that kept the rebel around. Had it been any other male, their heart would have already been on the altar to Lloth centuries ago. Rhylaun was versatile, master in all of the drow fighting techniques. Matron Shyntyl had intended to have someone in the Kilanatlar House mastered in each, if not multiple styles. On the other hand, Neeryrd was the almost opposite. Not sired of either parents, the current youngest was short and almost stalky. A round face with a parrot like nose and nonparallel green eyes. Clothing was hard to fit the male, so he was often dressed in a solid mithril breastplate. Not as strong as either Shyntyl or Rhylaun desired, the boy was learning to handle the greatsword rather well. But his attacks were simple and less efficient than could be achieved. Neeryrd was being prepped before he was to join in a surface raid with the fifth year students of Melee Magthere. Matron Shyntyl had requested permission to allow the boy 3 days home in secret training for his blooding- the coming of age ritual in which maturing drow must hunt down and kill an intelligent or dangerous creature from the surface. Those who fail their blooding are often never seen again; tho it might be noted that the number of driders increases after this time.
"Matron ask too much of her incompetent son," the weapon-master grumbled under his breath, still dissatisfied with the skill level of the boy.
"NO!" Rhylaun shouted smacking him upside the back of the head, "You are an idiot to leave your flank so vulnerable. Even a stupid rivvil could have just caught you off guard. On the surface, they will have a slight advantage up there. So I suggest you get it right. Now, AGAIN!"
A soft knock at the house gym startled the boy. Rhylaun scoffed then answered, "What? I'm bus-."
"All house members are required to report to the chapel, NOW. Matron's orders," G'eldriina repeated, and then left before any objections could be made.
Rhylaun turned to Neeryrd trying hard to maintain his rising fury, "We will finish this later, now go before you lose your hand."
Neeryrd bowed before the older male and quietly exited the gym. Rhylaun sat on the bench, head in hands and whispered a quick silent prayer to the Masked Lord.
Home for on a 2 day leave from her teaching at the academy, Xullafay, eldest daughter and high priestess, heard the summons. Things were close to a pivotal change, there was no doubt about it. She had felt it for a year now, but her communions had been more cryptic recently than she could remember ever being. She stirred from her studies, adorned her ceremonial black and purple robe, tucked her own three headed snake whip into her belt, and rose to answer her mother. Xullafay had known for some time that her mother carried not one but two unborn children. Twins among drow were rare; even rarer for both to survive. One or the other normally killed off the competition. She also had learned early that it was a third son and fifth daughter.
As Xullafay entered the chapel, most everyone was gathered. Shortly after her entrance, Rhylaun entered. He looked around helplessly. He hated this place, the chapel with its sculptures of the Spider Queen leering down at him from every angle, and Shyntyl towering above him from her position. The fire now burned in the eight-legged brazier that resembled, as everything in the chapel seemed to resemble, a spider.
"We have gathered," Xullafay's raspy voice broke thru eyes narrowed at the patron. About to have her say so, the matron raised a hand to silence her daughter.
This was an important meeting and the matron mother knew the male's delay was intentional.
"When I call, I expect an immediate response!" the matron directed her blazing eyes toward Rhylaun. "Remember just how short your leash truly is, Qu'el'saruk." Attention to the chapel guards and with a wave of her hand dismissed them. "Now, we can begin. Guards! Make sure none interrupt us."

Matron Shyntyl stumbled as the pain wrecked her again from her abdomen. It was too soon, yet the growing puddle of fluid said otherwise. They were coming. Unable to hold it in, her voice rose into a scream. The pain was not normal labor pains. Something was going wrong. G'eldriina returned, arms full of towels, to her mistress scrambling along the floor twords the bed.
"Erinsi!" the servant cried out for the birthing slave as she helped pick up the large woman to get her to the bed.
Another scream echoed thru the room. Erinsi and Xullafay entered followed by Myrurra and Zebeycyrl.
"the children come…." Another scream, "NOW"
Erinsi got into position, maneuvering the matron's leg and preparing a spell. The daughters had gathered around as Alylin entered.
"fashionable late," Myrurra smarted to the older sister.
The retort was drowned out by another scream. A new pain, almost as if in distress, overcame the matron, and it nearly caused her to pass out.
"so..much…blood," Myrurra whispered.
Concerns grew on everyone's faces. The children had to be delivered now, or they would not make, as last time. Directed to begin expelling the two inside, Matron Shyntyl did. Erinsi managed to grasp hold of a small palm, working her dexterous finger to extract the first child. Pulling, she noticed that a chord was wrapped around the shoulder and pulling tighter by the moment.
"The first is a son," the maid started when she was quick to notice the chord was not the males own.
The maid motioned over one of the priestess to help, the fast movement of hands and look of foreboding caused the eldest daughter to step over.
"Hold him," Erinsi commanded before she realized that she just said that to a high priestess.
Xullafay was about to tell her off.
"do it!" screamed Matron Shyntyl before the daughter even considered now the time to 'remove' her mother from power. Xullafay had considered it, for a few seconds, but matron even in this temporary weakened state would be a powerful foe and formidable; it was not worth the risk at the moment. Not when the Spider Queen had promised to bring forth their house to a higher level of power.
Xullafay held the extracted son as Erinsi worked to removed the second child. A foot first then the body. At the neck the male's chord was wrapped around the girl. Erinsi groaned but biting her lip continued to work the girl out. The smaller girl was slightly ashen, air being cut off at the moment with her twin's lifeline around her neck. The cords were carefully cut and removed before the first cries of life were heard. The girl's color began to return to normal obsidian hue as her soft cries started. Matron Shyntyl breathed a heavy sigh and closed her eyes. After much trouble two babies were laid on the table, another slave called in to clean them up.
Zebeycyrl, the second daughter knelt to take the son and place him on an altar in preparation of a sacrifice. The sacrificial dagger, a blade of curving adamantine and ivory hilt laying beside the sleeping infant. Zebeycyrl unsheathed the blade, a look of pleasure on her face, and began to raise her hands.
"Stop," a hoarse yet commanding whisper came, a hand pointing. All turned to look at the ragged mother then twords the carving on the wall. Upon the giant spider golem was a smirking pair of sensuous lips. An image of a spider descended onto the table with the boy before vanishing.
"Lloth," deep breaths to maintain herself, "is pleased without his death," another deep labored breath, "the boy shall live."
He had not been the third born son, but the second born.
The daughter, known for her hatred of males, narrowed her pinkish eyes, a scowl equal to any matrons. Xullafay, understood what her sisters did not and had reluctantly agreed with the matron. A small tiff began between the priestesses, leaving Alylin and Myrurra to remain silent and out of it, fearful to take either side. Xullafay was the eldest and held much respect and power as a high priestess. Zebeycyrl, one of the Red Sisters was a skilled assassin and deadly with a blade. Neither were an option for the younger sisters to cross. The argument continued for a few minutes, neither giving in.
"SILENCE all. If Lloth doesn't require him, then so be it. She has made it known," Shyntyl called putting an end to all the arguments.
Zebeycyrl wisely held her tongue, despite the urge to get the last word. And as if the matron had read her mind, she sat up on the bed enough to look her second daughter in the eyes.
"Take the children. Wean them to words and teach them all that they will need to know to be a noble in House Kilanatlar."
"Alylin or Myrurra are younger. And I have my duties," she shrieked.
Had Alylin been born second, she would have been the preferred daughter to join the prestigious group of Red Sisters. She was better skilled and less volatile than the second daughter. But it wasn't to be so. Matron had other reasons, she would not tell for selecting the second daughter. Plus, Alylin was only home on special occasions, as needed by her family. She spent most of her time on special assignments. Myrurra, the youngest daughter before the newborn, was the least intelligent and ambitious, of the Kilanatlar children and only the Kilanatlar name had made her a priestess and graduate. Matron Shyntyl did not believe she could do the task. Not after what they learned Lloth had intended for the children. The eldest daughter was obviously not the answer, a mistress of the school and next matron in line. Before protest could be countered, the look of her mother silenced her. That look conveyed the threat of failure. Yet it conveyed more; if Zebeycyrl managed to please the matron, then no doubt her favor and status in the family would rise. Zebeycyrl wanted nothing more than to continue her work with the Red Sisters but she obeyed, knowing the consequences of disobedience.
The twins were individually wrapped snuggly in a special spidersilk cloth upon being cleaned up. Alylin picked up the girl who yawn before opening her eyes the first time. Maroon shown with the use of the girl's darkvision, but in normal light showed one was a shade different from the other, an amber hue that shifted slightly as the girl became fascinated by her older sister.
"Her eyes, they are not normal," she began. Xullafay took the bundled girl who just stared back.
"This is the child?" the assassin asked incredulously, "she's a freak!" she would not be considered much among her people who had such high value to physical attractiveness.
"What about the boy?" Myrurra asked as Alylin reached to pick him up.
His eyes already open, looked back at the drowess holding him. One eye was crimson, while the other was an orange tint obviously from the sire. both had a few sprouts of hair, some silvery while others were clearly reddish. Tho it was not spoken, everyone there knew who had fathered the children.
"He's a freak too," the eldest daughter spoke, "I mean look!" showing him to the others.
The children were set back down on their temporary bed in preparation for the transfer of care to Zebeycyrl.
"What are they to be called?" Alylin asked.
"Nilrae and Zarae Zyne," she said lastly before drifting into a light sleep.
The children had to learn basic motor and language skills, as did children of all the intelligent races, but a drow also had to be grilled on the precepts that bound the chaotic society together.

Zebeycyrl devoted herself to the task the many years as a stringent and overbearing wean mother, continuously punishing both, allowing them to feel the seething anger she had against her mother.
From her velvet covered black marble seat of power the high priestess matron mother tapped her hands. It had been about five years since the twin's birth, and the matron had returned to her former slim figure and looked as if she always had. Currently she was dressed richly. Instead of her robes, a black dress with purple bodice showing taunt lean muscular abs. A magical metallic belt with spidery designs complimented the silk diaporous skirt with webbing features. Her hair was pulled up and pinned with ivory holders and finished with the headpiece of nobility. Never without her scourge, the five snakes heads were calm and quiet at her side.
The door to the antechamber opened, first stepped in the girl followed by the boy, both looking no more than a 5 year old human child. Stopping within five feet of the throne both stood at attention; while Zarae's head was up and her eyes looking around at the large chamber, Nilrae's head bowed and staring at his feet. Taught thoroughly, often by means of whips and threats of torture, he learned his inferior role as a male many times.
Matron Shyntyl stood up thoroughly looking over the twins. How much alike they looked. Both with heads full of red-streaked silvery hair. They took on both parents looks and structure- tall, lean, and lithe.
Zarae watching the small spider walking across the ceiling did not seam to notice her mother had crossed her arms impatiently. Nilrae peeked his head slightly, still fearing the whip to come down on him any moment. The youngest boy tried to clear his throat softly, and inconspicuously nudge his sister. Finally Shyntyl had it, the snap of her fingers echoing through the room was enough even scare the easily distracted girl. Zarae jumped, face forward, eyes large and taking on a bluish hue. A hand roughly grabbed her chin pulling her face up to look her matron mother up in the face.
"my youngest daughter has a rather rebellious spirit, I am told," the 6 century old female began, "and a troublemaker. If this keeps up I regret having to break such fire of my daughter. But I will not tolerate disrespectful behavior of a future priestess. UNDERSTOOD?"
She released Zarae's face and stood staring at the girl. Considering arguing that the missing items were not her fault and that they 'accidentally' ended up in her room she crossed her arms not thinking about it. Zebeycyrl had asked for it anyway; she'd challenged the girl to. Another look sobered the rebellious girl back up and her arms went back to her side. The matron then stood before the down cast boy. The snakes of the whip allowed to edge closer to his face, forked tongues darting out as if to taste. Nilrae tried hard to maintain himself, to not flinch and yet keep his head down as one snake went below under his chin. It took every bit of will power, but fear of the matron's wrath if he disappointed was worse than those tongues.
"My son seams to know his role and station well. I am impressed."
Turning to the second daughter in the back she nodded approvingly. Zebeycyrl relaxed slightly but she was only half way thru the weaning years. The next bit would be the true test of her, especially with the girl. Even thinking of it made her frustrated. The matron turned to go back to her throne, a wave to dismiss the twins. Nilrae quickest to turn was stopped with a clearing of his mother's throat.
"Resuming your duties, begin today with this room."
Nilrae dropped his head lower, taking the rags from his belt and the bucket that seam to appear next to the entrance he got to work. Zarae was hurried off back to her room for another indoctrination lesson.
"The matron seams less than pleased with your progress. If you spent as much time in your studies as you do getting out of them, you would already be on par with any of Kilanatlar children," the rather grumpy assassin began.
The door, partially ajar, opened to a young female drow, a simple house soldier taken from a minor house last year. She bowed in respect and slowly backed out of the room. Zebeycyrl snorted derisively as she headed to the door.
A hand on the knob, she turned back to speak, "I expect you to be able to levitate to the ceiling by the time I return."
The door closed with a hard thud leaving Zarae to herself. Her sister didn't know, but the girl had figured out how to already. It was shakey at times and not totally reliable but she had been able to levitate for a year. Of course just out of spite, she would not perform like a slave just to appease her sister. Making her look bad in front of their mother was much more fun. Zarae stood arms crossed, her tongue out at the closed door her sister just left. She would have scoffed to emphasize her point, but there was no reason to. Instead she ran over to the door placing her ear on it and listened until she was sure. Scrambling over to the table, the girl began rifling thru the small drawer. Last time she'd been imprisoned in this room was for practicing her alphabet in the silent hand code and learning new and harder words. The few parchment were flung to the floor along with a closed vial of everdark ink.
"Not here," she said to herself slamming the draw and sitting on the chair to think, "where did I hide it?"
Izzmurss, elderboy and House Kilanatlar wizard sat in his study. The robes of a high wizard were draped on the back of his chair. The drow was stripped down to only his trouser. A look of intense concentration was on his harsh face as he thought out the spell. The security of his personal room was ensured by the warding runes outside his doors, and the solitude of his private study protected by a magical shield. This study was a low-domed chamber lit by the single candle on his desk. Today was the day to put his plans into motion. He had been working out a century long plot of undermining Gulhrys and taking over as head master of Sorcere. Izzmurss had invented Shadow Dye during his first year at the academy centuries ago when House Kilanatlar was only the sixth house; this success, along with the favor of Lloth and skill of the house had brung them up to the second house the following year.
House Mae'Vir was the largest consumers of Shadow Dye; it could be rubbed on the skin and into the hair to blacken it like shadow as camouflage ones heat signature as well as a piwafwi without the problems of a cloak. Now he was working on a new concoction, a mind altering dye disguised as an age defying salve. If it worked, then over time he would be the head of the Arcane school.
The silent alarms of his study alerted him of the intruder.
Nilrae working on his own levitation to reach the ceiling's chandelier made it half way before falling again. His rag was dripping water that gathered into a puddle beside the soap bucket. No ladders were provided and climbing the statues had been off limits, discovered the first time he had to clean the chambers. Landing harsh on his tush, he tossed the rags and had started to pout. Maybe their sister would never notice? He was not that lucky, never that lucky. Kicking the bucket harder than intended sent it sprawling all over the floor. Nilrae groaned again, missing the encroaching footsteps at the door. Standing back up he looked around for something to dry the mess. The only problem was every cloth in the stupid room was being used as something important. Finally he decided on what the least likely to be noticed before drying. the matron had left over an hour ago and he didn't think she'd come back here for a while, possibly even the next day. Hopping up quickly he took the velvet cloth and began drying up the soapy spilled water. Then hurried it back to the throne and placed it as it was just as the door opened.
'Busted' he thought annoyed and scared.
Zarae hopped up from the chair and picked up the ink. She knew it was the very expensive one prize for it glowing abilities for writing when no light was available. Pocketing it, she began looking for something to use on the door lock. The pen still in the drawer was thin enough, but the girl was concerned it would not be tough enough. If she could only remember where she put that small piece of metal. Scratching her head, her sensitive finger ran over the small hairclip that was holding unruly locks out of her face.
"this," inspecting it, "might work. Pausing to listen at the door again, she stuck the smaller end in the tiny hole and began working on the lock. Zarae had not perfected lock-picking yet, but the mechanism was simple, for the time being. And she'd been practicing every time Zebeycyrl locked her in a room. The last room the drowling had been unsuccessful before her sister returned. Zarae chuckled; she'd gotten in a lot of trouble that day. Wasted the entire time trying to break out of the room that day. The tumblers of the lock clicked, just a few more and she get it.
Zebeycyrl would not normally have gone to see her older brother, but things had been close to a breaking point. She only had at least 5 years left at the most with the twins, then they would move into training with Rhylaun; soon they would be off her hands and she would continue her work with the Red Sisters. She knew she sat off Izzmurss alarm and she made no attempt to hide her presence; why would she, she was a female, a priestess and elite assassin. Few would even attempt something against one so powerful and favored by Lloth.
Izzmurss groaned. He figured it would be one of his sisters and her interruption would cost him time. Standing up to lower the ward, he allowed Zebeycyrl to enter.
"What brings my dear sister to my studies?" he responded with a slight bow.
Zebeycyrl ignored his deliberate sarcasm. She would put the male in his place soon enough.
"Let's get to business," her eyes narrowed evilly.
Everyone knew how well warded his room was so she knew she could speak frank without worry of being scryed or overheard. She only had to worry that Izzmurss would use this meeting against her. She began melodically, "Someone is sabotaging my work. As much as I would love to rid the two myself," her anger boiling and then suppressed, "I need you to, lets say, keep an eye on Alylin and Myrurra. I know that you are one of the best and can …"
"First of all," he interrupted, "Both have Lloth's favor, and Alylin seams hardly a concern. Her business keeps her away. Besides, scrying a priestess, well…"
Zebeycyrl held her rage in check from his interruption and continued, "Let me word this better, when I remove my competition and Xullafay is no longer a concern, I will need a House wizard." she let it go at that. It wasnt a matter of the rulership being usurped, all matrons knew that it would happen one day. It was just a matter of when and which ambitious daughter would do it.
The last thing Izzmurss wanted to do was get caught in between his sisters, fighting for position as the next Matron Mother. Zebeycyrl, the cruelest of the Kilanatlar daughters, was not the best option. In fact this was the first hint that the second daughter sought to over throw the eldest. It wasn't unheard of, just that her position in the Red Sister made him think she was not one to care. She was proving otherwise. Finally, with resignation he nodded.
"It is good we never had this conversation my brother," she whispered as she turned to leave.
It pleased her, the blatant reminder of the power females wielded over males.
When all was silent, he plopped into his chair, flipped through his spell book, and settled in for a long night.
"What are you up to male?" the raspy voice came. It was not Zebeycyrl, but Xullafay who had entered. The high priestess had been home for the day and was scheduled to return to the academy in the morning. Nilrae turned quickly, hands behind him, and bowed his eyes as a pageprince should.
He started to stutter a response, "um…noth- cleaning and readjusting mother's seat," he managed to bluff at the last second.
"That's matron mother to you male," correcting him quickly. Xullafay looked around seeing nothing out of place with a quick glance then turned to head out. "I suggest you finish the ceiling before she returns," the priestess replied before exiting the chambers deciding she wasnt in the mood to whip the drowling.
When the doors closed, the boy breathed out a sigh of relief. It had been close. Had she walked up to the platform no doubt she'd discover what he did. finishing adjusting the velvet cover, he hurried back to his bucket and rag and attempted it again.
The door slid ajar, the hard work success. Now she had the hard task of what to do. Knowing her twin brother would still likely be cleaning, maybe she would head that way. It would be nice to get back that stuff spider her sister took away from her. Something about ruining a beautiful gown. Zarae spent a day making it from one of the old dresses Zebeycyrl used for parties. And figuring out how to use the needle without stabbing one's finger was hard work! Besides, how could she go wrong with a spider after all? Weren't they oh so sacred?
The girl scoffed as she silently tip-toed down the corridor twords the antechamber. Stopping often to listen for footsteps or peek around a corner before passing a four way. Zarae passed the stairs to the fourth floor, and considered seeing what all was up there. She knew her mother's room was up there along with Xullafay's. And all those treasures to get her hands, not today she decided at last and continued to the stairs and then down to the first floor and the double doors of the antechamber.
Listening, ear on the door, she heard the sounds of a thump. The door open as Zarae hurried inside to see her brother highly frustrated. His countenance changed quickly when the door opened, but was so relieved to see Zarae.
"So wanna do something?" the girl asked, her eyes becoming violet hued and a look of pure mischief showing.
"I haven't finished yet. And I cant get up their all the way," he pointed to the web styled chandelier of orange faerie fire. Nilrae did look rather exhausted. No doubt from cleaning the room.
Zarae thought a moment, "how about I help you finish," she started.
"The catch?" he asked already figuring she had something planned. His twin was always up to something. And often dragging him into it- even if he would have agreed anyway.
"I want Shade back!" upset over the fact her toy been taken away.
"Every time we do something I get the worse punishment, see," showing her a healing bruise from the rod that was used when the dye was put into Zebeycyrl's glass.
"Alright. I can do it myself. Just thought I'd see if you wanted to."
"I didn't say I didn't," he replied looking up to the ceiling, before handing her the rag.
After ten minutes, and a couple failed tries of levitating, the room was finished and both were heading up twords Zebeycyrl's study room.
"How do I explain my absence?" he signed to her in the silent hand code as they approached the study.
"Maybe we will be done before she returns?" Zarae signed back.
Nilrae sighed before replying, "I hope you know what you're doing." Which translated, 'This whipping better be worth it.'
The study was easy to find, the largest door on the third floor. Xullafay's room was larger, but it was on the floor with the matron's. Alylin kept a small room as she was always in and out of the compound while Myrurra, not a biological child of the matron, was given a room equal to Alylin's in size. The male's rooms were on the second floor with the gym, war room and many storage rooms. The first floor contained rooms such as the dining hall, kitchen and non-family members, and the main entrance to the house chapel- a three story chamber located in the center of entire compound. The basement contained the fodder slave quarters, torture rooms and other nasty places.
"alright, you keep an eye out, I'll see about the lock," Zarae signed to Nilrae.
Unspoken, but he assumed that meant if they got caught, he could get away first. He walked up to the turn in the corridor and stood watch, as best as a 5 year old could. After 5 minutes he sat down rather board. Picking up a small black burnt piece of something, he sketched a few doodles on the floor. A large circle, a trapiziod bottem and another circle for the head with snake like hair and a large frown. He chuckled as he added horns and a tail. He then drew a another smaller circle with lines for legs and arms, then what could be guessed a club in hand, the picture above the female getting ready to beat her with the club.
The makeshift lockpick was inserted as she got to work. This one was more complicated than any she'd messed with before. And their was no way she was getting in. after ten minutes, she 'pssst' Nilrae to come and try.
"We need something else," she signed after another ten or so minutes were wasted.
"This is not as fun as you implied."
"Well do something inside to make up for this?" putting on the best face to get him to continue.
Sitting back against the door, they tried to think of something to use. With how much time they already spent, Nilrae was thinking of telling her to give up. of course Zarae would protest as she was stubbornly determined to get Shade back. And truthfully he wanted his own toy back. His was a small stuffed black dragon one of the slave's infants traded for his dinner. Of course he'd gotten caught and it taken, as well as the slave punished.
Both about to call it quits for the day, when Zarae looked up to notice a small strange device. She nudged Nilrae then using him to stand on, pulled it. all tumblers on the door clicked unlocked. Hopping down and waiting to see if any came around the corner they entered the room.
Both paused at how luxuroious it was. And it was only the study. Tons of paintings and wall hangings. The L shaped desk with hundreds of papers, scrolls, and things neither knew. A wardrobe of bone, ivory and marble in the back. Beside it 4 bookshelves that reached to the ceiling. Another door which no doubt was her personal bedchambers was opposite the desk.
"Check that" he signed indicating the wardrobe while heading to the room's closet.
Zebeycyrl was below in the basement. The slaves had begun a fight amongst themselves, causing the halt of work and some of the goblins to rebel. When she had showed up to deal with the situation, they joined together to attack the assassin and a house soldier. The assassin felt her personal room alarms go off. Someone had entered her room; but at the moment there was little to do about it. The young male warrior charged in, longsword cutting thru a line of goblins and kobolds. Her mace swung connecting with bone in a sickening crunch; the kobold fell back taking another down with him. Aiming the wand at the group of goblins attempting to flank, a glob of greenish goo flew out sticking the leaders in the ramble fast to the floor. A pitiful makeshift dagger came in at her leg, the goblin sliding to come up at her legs. But the magical wards around the assassin could not be penetrated by the stone weapon. A thick heeled boot kicked another skull in as the large mace swung in and knock back 2 more slaves, their ribs shattered in the impact. The male was held back by his mistress. The slaves came on her more hesitantly, as she turned to the group. Bloodlust not settled, she put away the wand as if to be finished, discreetly reaching for a more devious one, a red ceramic baton with a tiny sapphire. When the slaves lowered their arms into a more relaxed state, a fireball shot forth to the front group. Fires licked their leather hides as they rolled screaming. The rest back up fearful the drowess would release it on them.
"Who is the ringleader?" she commanded.
20 fingers pointed to a large male goblin dressed in a ragged loincloth.
"Take him," she told the warrior. Then to the slaves, "let this be a lesson for you all."
The male released a quarrel from his hand crossbow, then dragged the paralyzed goblin off, followed by Zebeycyrl.
"I got them," came Nilrae's voice, "she had them in her trash," brushing off the stuffed toys and handing Zarae her own. She grabbed it, hugged it tight then nodded that they better get out, and quick. Nilrae, on his way out stole one of the rolled parchments. The twins closed the door and hurried back down the halls.
"Wait, here. Put them in my room. I'll bring yours after dinner."
Hiding both under Zarae's bed, they then headed back to where they were suppose to be; her in the empty room and Nilrae in the antechamber. No one was in there so there would be no whipping today. Unless they were trapping him.
Zarae was thankful her sister was not around. She wondered where Zebeycyrl might be when her stomach grumbled for food.
"It must be close to supper."
Zebeycyrl left the dark and musky room, spots of dark red stains on her blue robes. She had a mused smirk on her face, until she remembered that someone had entered her study. A few curses she hurried up to her floor, while working to not look undignified.
The door was closed, even the top latch. She whispered a spell allowing her to see if anyone should be invisible. Nothing. Another spell, the room and nearly everything on her glowed. Walking thru she looked for traps or scrying devices in anything that glowed. Yet all the magic, everything glowing, was as it should. She sat down in her chair, elbows on the desk running her fingers through her bone white hair.

The next several weeks went the same as before. The twins' wean mother had not caught on that that the two broke into her room. Zebeycyrl had assumed it was either Alylin or Myrurra, the latter more likely. To her it meant that the dull sister was underhandedly more devious than previously thought. Izzmurss had not revealed anything of interest. Somehow the adopted sister was managing keeping her plans very well hidden. Zebeycyrl easily by-passed the pudgy daughter's room wards. Dull purple faerie fire was gathered on a single chandelier. The room was luxurious as any other noble, tho much less so than the matron's blood daughters. A small fur rug sat in the middle of the room. Beside the balcony window, a plush chair of green material. The bed was covered in mounds of silky covers and 3 large pillows. Only two wall hangings were found; scenes of a battle depicted, including the dark elves slaughtering their surface cousins and a large spider above the battle smiling with glee. A night stand held a few personal items, nothing noteworthy. The dresser made of a material popular on the surface- oak, stood beside her stone bookshelf. A large black basin surrounded by small candles was filled with water. It was the scrying bowl from the academy, the assassin noted condescendingly. Her desk top was empty except one tome. The Red Sister walked over to the desk peering down to the parchment pages. Reading the script, thanks to the soft glow of magical light, she flipped thru the pages.
The slaves cleaning the street stopped to move out of the way, before falling to a knee until she passed by. The cloaked drowess walked in, the sign hanging above the arched door covered with yellow faerie fire. The crimson material contrasting from the normally dark colors of the patrons inside. Had secrecy been important she would not have wore her house piwafwi in the color she loved. Darkwalk was semi busy for mid day. the floor below was where most action was. There a bathhouse, massage parlor, and rumored among the males, a small brothel.
Alylin strode with prideful arrogance due her station. People cleared out of her way, males bowed their head in respect of the noble. One or few considered taking her when she was alone, but the risk wasn't worth it; if she was a high priestess or even a foot soldier of one of the top five houses, they would regret living. The priestess extended a hand to the barkeep, a small pouch held before him. He was a tall lean drow with cropped and dyed auburn hair. A scar ran from his left temple, across his eye and to the left nostril hole. The pointed end of his ear was raggedly missing from whatever fight he survived. His clothing showed him as a middle class merchant, classy tan shirt beneath elven chain. No visible weapon could be seen, but no doubt he was armed. Setting the decanter before a couple at the bar, he reached out to take it. Alylin, pulled back, her face waiting expectantly. She wasn't smiling. Her poise was calm, and regal.
The voice was even gentle, but those amber eyes looked on with coldness, "You know the deal."
Looking around, then leaning forward, motioning she do also, he whispered a few words then stood back up. He leered at her as she scanned the room. Alylin sized up the intended target. Pleased for now, she turned to hand it to him, and then walked over to a table in the back.
Three tables away sat another couple. A drowess of dusky skin (instead of the darker black) dressed in white leather and blondish tinted hair leaned back in the booth. A male of straight white hair that barely touched mid way on his sharp ears and black skin that spoke for his full drow heritage sat across from her. The waitress set two glasses on the table after collecting the 2 coins. She accepted the money with a suggestive smile, stuffing the money in a silk bag hanging from her pants flap. The male leaned forward in the booth, and watched with desire in his crimson eyes as the waitress walked off before beginning to sip his spiced Falarian wine. The female in white seamed to be in deep contemplation, her hands interlinked before her as she listened to the male before her begin.
Despite Alylin's acute hearing, the noise of the tavern was overshadowing the conversation. Conformation would not be possible, so it was trust the word of the barkeep, a male no less, or wait for a more opportune time. So the priestess watched, trying to decide how to begin. Several more customers entered as others left, including a small group coming from upstairs, the inn part of the tavern. Many other males disappeared below for hours. Alylin managed to wait patiently the entire time, not leaving from her spot. Golden eyes wonder to the dancers of the floor. Their movements impressive as skilled professional dancers kept beat with the random changes of tune. The dances continued for the next hour, but Alylin managed to remain in her spot, having ordered a light meal of Tarsk- salty pork-like meat, with a side of smothered mushrooms.
The crowd grew as the day waned. Watching the dances, a small metal object was missed as the woman in white passed it to the male. Movement caught her attention, the woman dressed in white standing up and preparing to leave. The priestess then discreetly stood up, dropped a few more coins on the partially empty plate and followed. A whispered spell of invisibility hid her as she followed out the door.
A smile decorated her face as she watched the other female turn down a narrow alley. Alylin realized quickly the woman was trying to throw her off and had sense the red cloaked presence following her. There was no way she would be lead to the base. A change in plans, tho not unpleasurable for the priestess. The heretic paused at a junction looked back then turned right, away from her intended destination. Alylin brung forth her hand crossbow and hurried her pace to the corner of the alley. Cursing silently, she didn't see the woman anymore. She'd managed to get away, and rather quickly the now upset drowess thought bitterly. Alylin walked on looking around for her target.
Celofraie had slipped into a small shop, standing out of sight from the window. She peeked out to see the window as the other woman, who was disguised with a spell, walk by. Celofraie knew immediately that the woman was hunting her. Not able to see which house insignia she wore, there was no doubt the other priestess was one of the top ruling houses. Trying to slow her nervous breath as a shop slave was watching confused. The gnome said nothing to the drow woman but continued to clean. Celofraie then decided the noble had moved far enough for her to slip out and try to get back. The door made no sound as the woman in white slipped out then hurry back the way she came. Alylin reached the end and was about to turn down another but just happen to look back to see a flash turn down a corner.
"I got you," she said to herself, the wicked smile increasing.
Alylin paused and whispered the words, her hand on the adamantine disk around her neck and was suddenly transformed into a cloudlike vapor. Moving as fast as the wind in a storm she covered ground unimaginable fast. Passing over the buildings to cut off the other woman. Celofraie hurried turning back down the alley, and deciding to go another route when a mist stood before her. She knew she had no choice but to fight. Her hands shot forth. A cone of fiery, white moonlight sprung out at Alylin.
Pain wrecked her body as the mist formed back into the priestess. "You will have to do better than that," the hurting Alylin growled.
By now a small crowd had gathered at the entrance to the alley to enjoy the show. Some were shouting curse while others cheered. A few street cleaners gathered to watch only to be shooed away by low class drow. A pinch of powdered iron in her fingers the spell effects were instantaneous. An antimagic zone went up around them. All magical effects stopped, any spells on their persons no longer in effect, and the weapons became as regular weapons. They two would have to fight on equal grounds; Alylin knew she was the better fighter.
Celofraie drew her shortsword but did not advance. She held no pretense, it was already clear the woman in white was a singled out as a heretic. No charade would work. The Eilistraeen instead spoke. "Don't you tire of this," hand motioning around her, "existence? Of constantly look over your shoulder waiting for the evitable day a blade from the shadows finds a kink and sinks its poisoned tip in."
"What makes you think I have to worry?" Alylin replied, realizing what she could do now. Drop the other woman's defenses and make her think she might be interested.
"An over ambitious sibling desiring to take your place or remove the competition. The unending struggle of having to prove your worth to a fickle goddess who cares little for you above anything more than a toy."
Alylin feigned interest as the other woman continued to speak pulling forth her sword which took the form of a rapier. sparks flew as they connected before them. The women circled each other, blade striking blade. But Celofraie continued to speak and try to reason with the priestess, tried to give her the Dark Maiden's message. This went on for a good 10 minutes, Alylin playing the game well. Finally, tired of her rambling, and spotting her chance, she pulled the hand crossbow and released a quarrel.
Celofraie heard the click and drove to roll out of range. The bolthead cut a red line across her neck as she tumbled and rolled back up. The burning sensation of poison streaming thru her blood was clear. Which poison she didn't know. Her limbs were not getting heavy and a sleep feeling was not overcoming her. It wasn't the famous sleep poison. No time to neutralize the poison as her muscles locked up and she began to convulse, the potent substance attacking her nervous system.
Walking over to the woman who'd fallen to the ground, "Velkyn Ogglin is just one my house is known for," the priestess replied with cold glee.
Her victim went into grand mal seizures her back arching and twisting violently as her lithe body jerked every which way. Alylin then pulled out another vial a blood red in color. The crowd grew silent as they watched in anticipation for the bloodletting.
Kneeling down to the convulsing woman, "tell me what I want and I will make your death more merciful," she whispered.
Celofraie thru her shaking managed a few words out, "nnnnoooone beyond rrrreeedddemmtion."
Alylin rolled her amber eyes and reached down to grab a handful of hair. The crowds booed as the priestess dragged the woman away from the viewers. A dilapidated building was not far and Celofraie was hauled inside, picked her up and threw up against the wall. "Let's try this again. Just one little word and I can make this stop."
Celofraie remained silent, for the sake of hundreds of lives, silent. A bladed cut across her flawless face, but she did not scream. The antimagic zone spell still in effect, she was without her spells. This time a tiny strip of metal was jabbed into her shoulder to pin her to the wall. the shakes of the heretic ripping flesh. A few slaps, just for humiliation drew blood from her lips.
Getting nowhere, the red liquid vial was held up. "Last chance. Tho I do think I will enjoy the show."
"A… rrrrightful ppplaccce…. yyyya in…Light. Cccome live iiiinnnn peace."
Frustrated, Alylin roughly grabbed her face and poured the liquid down her throat then stepped back to watch. Her victim gushed blood from her mouth, eyes, nose, ears and hole in her body. Bruises developed all over her body which burst open to pour out Celofraie's lifeblood; added to the convulsion still continuing, blood was sprayed all over the dusty shop. Alylin thought it particularly entertaining if regrettably short when the body went limp.
House Helvighym was just a rumor, a fainted whisper for Velnarin. Words spoken with shame from the mouth of his family of low ranked House Omat. But for him these words were a beacon of light in the absolute and chaotic darkness that for millennia swallowed his kind. These words were just the excuse, the fateful push on his back that told him "Leave this place. Seek the moonlight"
It was a night 1 year ago when Velnarin completed his 10 year training in Melee Magthere as a fighter when the unavoidable celebration feast took place. Priestess graduates had the right to demand the male graduates to do whatever pleased them, as long as the males were returned as found. He was later staying in his cell, more commonly called a bedroom, thinking of the events that transpired. How shallow all these physical pleasures were? What was the meaning of celebration in something that with no doubt would lead you in the loss of your life for Lloth...for nothing. What a blasphemous thought! If the priestesses knew...But Lloth and her cruelty had no place in the heart and mind of Velnarin. And then he saw it. A beautiful lute, remnant of a surface raid on an elven hamlet. he kept it as trophy; what a stupid trophy his instructors always saying, but he never noticed it before. He took it on his arms. He touched the strings. He couldn't believe it, he could find rhythm, meaning, balance in the sound, in the music.
He slept like a human would, and he saw a dream. A distant figure dancing on top of a hill in the forefront of a full moon. The music was bringing him tears but the voice, this melodic, commanding and beautiful voice was calling him, "Velnarin, come to me."
He woke up immediately. He found his body full with sweat. He knew. He had to leave!
And now there he was, leaving his house seeking refuge, seeking House Helvighym. Only he knew how he managed to come there. What dangers and perils he would cross only for a rumor, only for a glimpse of light.
Alylin had yet to determine the rebel base. She had tortuously killed the Eilistraeean and still had not learned anything. The woman had still offered her 'redemption'. Alylin scoffed at the notion, spitting her contempt at the dead traitor and heretic. What bothered Alylin most was the peaceful look on her face as she died, despite the agonizing death. The notion of rejecting the Spider Queen and finding an existence outside of Lloth's influence was madness. Yet that dead female did, and died with a smile. Searching the dead body revealed nothing of importance. Unknowingly to her of their importance, she found a key ring with silver keys and a sword pendent necklace. It held a dull magical glow of a holy symbol. Quickly cutting off a finger and ear and snatching the keyring and necklace she kicked the dead woman before leaving her corpse to rot in the shop.
The next day, Matron or rather Lady Erelae Helvighym, had received word of the murder of her youngest daughter. On her knees at her bed distraught with grief and emotional pain she wept, an emotion so rare among drow. She also knew that no matter how tremendous the torture of her beloved daughter, she would never give up the location. But the sadness and grief were almost unbearable, to imagine what Celofraie went thru. At least she knew her daughter was with the Eilistraee now.
Alylin couldn't shake the events from her thoughts however; especially that she was still no closer to her goal. Her next mission had been to hunt down the male that had been in Darkwalk. She had an idea. based on his clothing style and rich taste, he was from Raethlaine, a wealthy non-noble. It was a start, but not a good one.
Alylin, unseen, walked through the Raethlaine district. Her mind kept wondering back to the recent incident. How could she die so peacefully. Lloth was not merciful, even to her own faithful, much less any unfaithful heretic. Would the woman even go to the abyss? Could one really escape Lloth's claws. 'No, I will not think about that,' Alylin scolded herself. She pulled out the keyring, wondering what it could be when an idea hit her. She could pretend to be seeking that false goddess in hopes that they would lead her to her destination. Those females were too trusting and it would be their end. A wicked smile crept on her face as she thought more about her plan.
Lillintha Helvighym was busy with business. As a leader in the rebel base, she was in charge of keeping the House out of suspicion and Lloth's eyes. During her sleepless rest, Lillintha had received a vision. A seeking drow male. She dressed in the black robes of a priestess of Lloth, barely keeping her revulsion down as the fabric touched her skin. She hated this work, but knew that lives of the refuges were at stake as well as the redemption of future drow. She touched her holy symbol and prayed to the Dark Maiden for strength and insight. There was no doubt about the dream, it was figuring out who was a real seeker and who was trying to infiltrate.
Velnarin was tired of wandering mindlessly the streets of Raethlaine. He was yearning for a nice hot bath along with tender slim fingers touching his body and relaxing his muscles. Now he was at the very steps of his goal and no idea what to expect. In his lonely journey he was thinking of a nice and full-of-light drowess welcoming him through a door of a beautiful House. he knew this was just a naive thought but it would be perfect, wouldn't it? But among his thoughts even the not so encouraging he didn't expecting that.
The gate of the compound opened and there she was, the drow female of his vision. But instead of a priestess of light there was standing a common priestess of Lloth, fearful and deadly.
"In what kind of madness did I walked myself in?" he thought barely avoiding panic.
He should look relax, he should hide his fear as the instructors taught him. His mind started to work in lightning speed to find an excuse. He swore instantly that he would never be again so careless. His arms instantly moved to his sword and touched it ready to put them in action.
Lillintha saw the male's reaction and divine guidance led her to send a mental message for the male to see who she was. She entered his mind, in a soft whisper, "welcome young male. Yes it is I you seek. See past my disguise. A rightful place awaits you in the light. Come in peace."
Suddenly a silver light surrounded her only a true seeker could see. Lillintha started to walk twords the male. Velnarin was in furious anger for his mistake, his lack of perception. Then he heard it. The strange calming warm voice in his mind calling him, telling him that he actually reached the place that he was looking. The voice asking him to look beyond Lloth's veil and believe the unbelievable. He turned and faced the female that was coming to him. If it was another deception he wouldn't fall easy in it. If she was coming for his death, well she had to pay a price. Lillintha walked within a few feet and paused, waiting for his response to her. No one else was out in the city at this late hour except a few rogues and the patrol. She held her hands out non-threateningly. No snake-headed whip could be seen, for they would only work for Lloth's faithful and favored.
"Why do fear Velnarin? Why do you anger? Yes I know you. Eilistraee knows you and offers you what you seek. My disguise is nothing more than an attempt to secure the safety of all who seek redemption."
She grabbed the keyring from her pouch and produced a tiny silver unusual looking key. A seeker would need one so those inside the house would know who he was.
Velnarin saw the lack of hostility in the female's body language. Shortly after he heard the voice again in his mind he decided to go in. He was too tired, to weary. If it was his time then it was his time. But he didn't believe that. The female that was standing in the entrance was so beautiful, in a different kind of way. Yes he has seen beautiful. Had experienced the seductive look and touch of the Spider Queen's priestesses. But this one was different. The beauty was coming from her eyes like hidden light and her face was strange, it was kind. So he approached her and looked in her palm. He saw the small silver token. Then he looked at her and he saw a smile. A smile that filled his heart with warmth and strength. She gave him the piece and touched him gently on the shoulder.
"go in," she whispered to him, "you are expected."
language notes:
Rivvil- human.
Qu'el'saru- weapon-master

Falarian wine- an extremely rare wine said to cost enough gold to buy a city. Possibly 100 proof.

Velkyn Ogglin- translated as 'invisible foe'. rare neurotoxic poison taken from the toxin sacs of the uncommon dakhree fish that swims in certain Underdark lakes. At the time of onset, the poison causes the victim to convulse as the potent substance attacks their nervous system. The victim begins grand mal seizures and suffers spinal damage. If the poison is not neutralized before it has run it's course, the victim will require a cure serious wounds spell to recover from the nervous system damage. Bed rest alone is not sufficient to cure of the debilitating aftereffects.

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Very well done, I really enjoyed this story